Q: How can I contact you?
A: Robert@dance.pics
Q: How long does it take to receive my order?
A: All orders should be complete within 6 weeks.
Q: Why do I not choose my own images?
A: Allowing us to choose the images enables us to take more during the sessions and to turn around the images quicker. We have years of experience with dance photos and understand that sometimes pointed feet and straight legs are just as important as the smile. This also will take the burden off you from having to select and the submit the images. It is our experience that many times this is delayed or forgotten completely.
Q: Why do I have to pre-order the number of images I want?
A: By pre-ordering the number of images we are better able to meet your needs. It also speeds up the process of receiving your final images.
Q: What format will my images come in?
A: You will receive a link with high quality .jpgs include free. Included is a non commercial print license. Feel free to share this link with family members so that they may print their own.
Q: Can siblings share packages?
A: Siblings must have their own packages.
Q: Can siblings share a private?
A: Siblings may share a private for an additional $50 fee. Please be sure to submit a separate order form for each additional sibling.
Q: I will not need all of the Group Images. Is it possible for me to swap these out for Individual images.
A: You may not swap Group Images and Individual Images. The Group Images are provided as a bonus to the Individual Image Purchases.